
I'm Shruti Mahajan

Computer Science PhD Candidate at Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Research Interests: Human Computer Interaction || User Experience

I am no longer on the job market (big announcments coming soon)!

Who I am

I am a PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Advised by Prof. Gillian Smith
and Prof. Erin Solovey
Fun Facts: I have learned 7 languages, lived in 3 countries, love Science Fiction movies and books.


What I do

My work lies in the field of User Experience and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
My goal is to find new, creative and the best ways to enable seamless interaction between all humans and computers.
I have worked as a Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant since Aug 2018.


Say Hello.

Email: spmahajan AT wpi DOT edu